Our projects and programmes for this year, your Aids and Donations will permit us to better implement them.


Sensitization in the domain of Health Description
Hand sanitation for youths in schools This project is aimed at sensitising the children on the importance of washing their hands before, during and after meals in order to avoid illnesses such as diahrea, dysentery caused by dirty play
Educative talks on theme such as HIV/AIDS and STD in schools This will permit the youths to exchange ideas and discuss on sexual issues and to have the required knowledge on how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases
Education Description
There shall be the construction of a class room in a locality for disfavoured youths.  This is aimed at proving a place for the youths to take up their lectures in a class room and in good conditions
To help educative structures in order to reinforce the capacities that will permit the teachers and students to achieve optimum results  
Awards of excellence of Suzanne Kana This project will permits the recognition of excellence in schools in order to always encourage the best students
Aids to social institutions Support and contribution to institutions working the domain of education for vulnerable young children
Sponsorship Description
Taking care of orphans in difficulties with assistance as far as nutrition and education is concerned  
Project on Environmental Education Description
Sensitise the youths on the protection of the environment, notably on the notion of global warming, renewable energies, climate change and waste management